Job Search School
Since The Job Search School and LinkedIntoJobs.com is an education service offering non-tangible irrevocable goods we do not issue refunds once the order is accomplished and the information is given. As a customer you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item at our site. Please note that our bonuses are offered on behalf of our respected partners and are not a reason for a refund or chargeback, since the bonuses are given free of charge.
90 Day Money Back Guarantee
We both know that ordering anything on the internet can sometimes be worrisome and our guarantee takes that risk away from you. We are a legitimate online school that teaches people how to get job offers using LinkedIn. And our 90 day money back guarantee is that you will get all of the training, materials and support that you were promised on the workshop prior to this purchase.
When you purchase the Job Search School from us, we absolutely guarantee that you’ll get each training module and that you’ll get curriculum that designed to help you get results. But here’s the thing… you still have to go out and actually consume this content and do the work we prescribe or you won’t get any real world results. You have several options with our job school. You can attend the classes at a specified time each week, or you can watch the replays at your convenience, so we make this easy for anyone to attend. We know how busy life can be and we want this to be convenient for all.
Just like a night school class or college class, we don’t give refunds after the class has started and you have the course materials.
Upon purchase, you are given access to the private membership area that contains all of course information, videos, handouts, scripts and templates. Providing information and education on the job search is our business and we deserve to be paid for that service. We do offer a 90 day money back guarantee, and it was explained prior to purchase that it is not an unconditional guarantee.
Since you do get all of the information upon purchase, you must do the work required in the course first, or you will not be eligible for any refunds.
We always want satisfied customers and fortunately we have literally thousands of them. But a job search is not something that someone else can do for you. We provide the foundation and teach you the best ways to go about your job search. There is work involved and you are required to do the work necessarily to be successful. Our guarantee states that we give you all of the information, materials and services promised.
There will be no refunds after we have completed all the personalized research on your behalf and delivered the information and knowledge that is specific to your unique job search.
***NOTE: At no time do we guarantee you will get interviews or will find a job position. We provide the knowledge and expertise to help you in your job search but there is work involved on your part and we can’t be responsible for your actions. However, we do want you to succeed and we are here to help you along the way. Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Job Search Tool
As a member of the Job Search School, you will receive 6 weeks free use of our Job Search Tool, an on-line job search and management program. After this period you will be automatically be billed $42/month.
You can cancel at any point by contacting us as [email protected].
Cancellation requests happen at the end of the billing period. No refunds will be offered for any month clients has access to the program.
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